21 Rose Bouquet

21 Rose Bouquet

Product Code TC1812 92,90 € 3.600,00 TRY
3.600,00 TRY

Product Specifications

A 21-rose bouquet is a frequently chosen flower arrangement as a romantic gift or a special gesture. 21 roses are used to express feelings such as love, passion, and longing. Here is the meaning and description of a 21-rose bouquet:

  1. Love and Romance: A 21-rose bouquet signifies deep love and romance. It is a perfect choice to reflect passionate feelings between lovers.

  2. Special Occasions: 21-rose bouquets are often preferred for special occasions such as anniversaries, marriage proposals, or Valentine's Day. They emphasize the significance of these special moments.

  3. Deep Emotions: This bouquet represents deep love, commitment, and devotion. 21 roses are used to express emotional depth.

  4. Tolerance and Respect: A 21-rose bouquet can also symbolize respect and tolerance. It demonstrates a strong connection and respect between two people.

  5. Friendship and Family: Not only in romantic relationships but also, a 21-rose bouquet can be used to express deep love for friends or family members.

Therefore, a 21-rose bouquet can be a beautiful choice to express your deep feelings or to celebrate a special day with your loved ones. Each rose represents your love and emotional bond, making it an impressive way to win someone's heart.


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